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Corporate Flight Attendant Community -- Established in 2002, the Corporate Flight Attendant Community is an independent resource center for private flight attendants. The community pulls together articles, links, training sources, food and wine information, and much more into one centralized area. The community also includes a resume posting service, forums, and catering information. Visit for more information.

Cabin Manager -- As part of the Corporate Flight Attendant Community, Cabin Managers is a top performing forum for members of the business aviation community. General Discussion, Stress and Health, Inflight Services, Just For Newbies, and Safety and Security, are some of the chief subforums on this site. Visit for more information; read, start or respond to a thread for direct contact with members of the community.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Corporate Jet Catering -- Another subsection to the Corporate Flight Attendant Community is this site particular site which features in-flight caterers from around the world. Visitors to the site list comments about catering experiences and share recommendations and tips. Articles related to food and wine service are also included.
  2. Women in Corporate Aviation -- An offshoot of the Women in Aviation International group, Women in Corporate Aviation was established in 1993 to promote networking and mentoring opportunities for women in business aviation. Lastly, there are several business aviation training companies that have been established to help corporate flight attendants to further their careers. For a list of some of the top companies out there, please visit for all the details. Business aviation is a rewarding field…getting established takes a lot of pluck and determination and not everyone has what it takes. How about you?
  3. So, you have decided to enter the exclusive field of business flying. Congratulations! Before you go further, have you done all the research that you can to find out all the details that you need to know about this exciting field? Some people say that business aviation is a mystery compared to working for the airlines and, in many ways, they are correct. To take the mystery out of everything, this handy little guide will help point you in the right direction.

Posted by Someone on April

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FAA -- All that you need to know about the regulatory side of business aviation can be found on the FAA’s web site. The FAA, or Federal Aviation Administration, is the U.S. government agency tasked with overseeing much of what goes on in business aviation. FARs, or Federal Aviation Regulations, are set up to establish what can and cannot go on in business aviation. As a corporate flight attendant, FAR Part 91 and FAR Part 135 will be of the most interest to you. Visit for all the details.

NBAA -- The NBAA or National Business Aviation Association is the premier voice for business aviation. The NBAA has several over site committees in place which are tasked with guiding companies and personnel. The NBAA’s Flight Attendant Committee is an important voice for business flight attendants. Please visit for more information.

Posted by Someone on April

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Corporate Flight Attendant Community -- Established in 2002, the Corporate Flight Attendant Community is an independent resource center for private flight attendants. The community pulls together articles, links, training sources, food and wine information, and much more into one centralized area. The community also includes a resume posting service, forums, and catering information. Visit for more information.

Cabin Manager -- As part of the Corporate Flight Attendant Community, Cabin Managers is a top performing forum for members of the business aviation community. General Discussion, Stress and Health, Inflight Services, Just For Newbies, and Safety and Security, are some of the chief subforums on this site. Visit for more information; read, start or respond to a thread for direct contact with members of the community.

Posted by Someone on April