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Have you ever joined a company or some kind of money-making opportunity thinking that, it was the best thing you’d seen since sliced bread? Then you go to work, spend money on advertising, or telling your friends about this wonderful deal. Maybe you even stayed with this opportunity long enough to make a small bonus check....then, wham! All of a sudden this golden opportunity is gone...completely fizzled...washed down the drain.

What happened?

You probably got bit by something that most of us have experienced at some point in our lives! The greed bug!

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Now, I suppose that the greed bug could be described in various ways. At its worse, it can be a completely selfish little creature, just desiring to get ahead for itself and to heck with anyone else. If they lose out, well, that’s just too bad. Tough luck!
  2. But I really think this greed bug usually manifests itself in less incriminating traits, traits that are not necessarily selfish in nature. However, the greed bug traits may be responsible for numerous. failures in business!

Posted by Someone on April

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TRAITS OF THE GREED BUG 1. Wanting to believe this will “work.”

2. Jumping in too fast without doing adequate homework. HOMEWORK should include such things as finding out how long the company has been in business, making sure the products are worthwhile & not grossly overpriced, plus having a reliable business plan or plan of success.

Posted by Someone on April

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3. Giving up too quickly when the money doesn’t come rolling in.

Posted by Someone on April