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Dual Trade Electricians also have a set of vital roles inside industrial companies, well-trained professionals being highly requested in present. Industrial Dual Trade Electricians are responsible with installation, repairing, maintenance, testing, troubleshooting and evaluation of industrial electrical devices and installations, as well as electric and electronic equipments. Dual Trade Electricians are generally employed by electrical contractors and maintenance sectors of plants, factories, mining companies and various other industrial companies.

As well as in the case of Instrument Technicians, the Dual Trade Electrician profession involves a lot of responsibility, rendering experience, good training and proper skills crucial traits that all practitioners should posses. Dual Trade Electricians can easily find employment opportunities among an extended set of industrial establishments that require their services. Dual Trade Electricians can be hired by companies with or without contract, also being able to sustain their work under the form of blue collar oriented employment.

Posted by Someone on April

Toronto audio jobs


  1. If you are certified in one of these areas and you are looking for great job opportunities, the best thing to do is ask for the help of a reliable recruiting company. By relying on the services of a serious, professional recruiting company, you will be offered the chance to find great job opportunities according to your level of experience in the branch and your obtained credentials and recommendations. Remember that companies specialized in different industrial branches are currently confronted with pronounced employment deficits in these particular areas, rendering Instrument Technicians and Dual Trade Electricians highly requested professions in present. If you want to become the member of a major industrial establishment, all you have to do is ask for the services of a solid recruiting company, specify your level of training and add your contacts. Follow these steps and you will find a suitable job in no time! Specialized manual labor is becoming scarcer nowadays, generating a severe workforce crisis among companies that require specialized manual laborers. Due to the pronounced gaps in specialized manual workforce fields, a lot of major industrial companies are interested in hiring a wide range of certified manual workers in present. Blue collar Trade qualified personnel is also highly demanded among various industrial companies that require specialized services. In present, the most requested professions among various industrial branches are Instrument Technicians, Instrument Mechanics and Dual Trade Electricians.
  2. Considered to be the pillars of any industrial business, Instrument Technicians and Instrument Mechanics have a multitude of roles in ensuring the well functioning and the safety of a company. These professions involve activities such as repairing, maintenance, calibration, adjustment, installation or optimization and upgrading of industrial measuring and controlling specific instrumentation. Instrument Technicians and Instrument Mechanics are usually employed by nuclear and hydro power generating companies, mining companies, petrol extracting and refining companies, natural gas companies, pulp and paper processing companies and many other industrial establishments that depend on specific industrial instrumentation for sustaining their activity.
  3. Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics are nowadays highly requested among industrial companies under the form of blue collar employment. Certified Instrument Technicians and Mechanics that hold Trade qualifications have a great advantage in finding employment opportunities, as they benefit from inter-provincial mobility.

Posted by Someone on April

Job designer


Dual Trade Electricians also have a set of vital roles inside industrial companies, well-trained professionals being highly requested in present. Industrial Dual Trade Electricians are responsible with installation, repairing, maintenance, testing, troubleshooting and evaluation of industrial electrical devices and installations, as well as electric and electronic equipments. Dual Trade Electricians are generally employed by electrical contractors and maintenance sectors of plants, factories, mining companies and various other industrial companies.

As well as in the case of Instrument Technicians, the Dual Trade Electrician profession involves a lot of responsibility, rendering experience, good training and proper skills crucial traits that all practitioners should posses. Dual Trade Electricians can easily find employment opportunities among an extended set of industrial establishments that require their services. Dual Trade Electricians can be hired by companies with or without contract, also being able to sustain their work under the form of blue collar oriented employment.

Posted by Someone on April

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If you are certified in one of these areas and you are looking for great job opportunities, the best thing to do is ask for the help of a reliable recruiting company. By relying on the services of a serious, professional recruiting company, you will be offered the chance to find great job opportunities according to your level of experience in the branch and your obtained credentials and recommendations. Remember that companies specialized in different industrial branches are currently confronted with pronounced employment deficits in these particular areas, rendering Instrument Technicians and Dual Trade Electricians highly requested professions in present. If you want to become the member of a major industrial establishment, all you have to do is ask for the services of a solid recruiting company, specify your level of training and add your contacts. Follow these steps and you will find a suitable job in no time!

Specialized manual labor is becoming scarcer nowadays, generating a severe workforce crisis among companies that require specialized manual laborers. Due to the pronounced gaps in specialized manual workforce fields, a lot of major industrial companies are interested in hiring a wide range of certified manual workers in present. Blue collar Trade qualified personnel is also highly demanded among various industrial companies that require specialized services. In present, the most requested professions among various industrial branches are Instrument Technicians, Instrument Mechanics and Dual Trade Electricians.

Posted by Someone on April