Employee motivation job design
It is also important to state your objective and the specific position you desire. Employers just don’t have the time to guess your motive for wanting to apply to their company. Be specific and refrain from vague words.
• The Second Paragraph- should provide information beyond what’s in your resume. Discuss some of your people-skills such as team building, being a self-starter and other organizational abilities. Provide the employer with a specific reason why you should be considered for the job. Don’t forget to add your actual accomplishments since this is what usually interest employers. Make use of lists or bulleting your accomplishments is another way of highlighting your experience.
• The Closing Paragraph- it is important to state in the closing paragraph that you will follow up to confirm receipt of your resume and then ask for an interview appointment in a nice and respectful way. Remember that employers are impressed by applicants who show initiative and perseverance. And while most employers consider the resume more than letters, writing a clear, concise and carefully tailored cover letter often can tip an employer’s scales in your favor and help you land an interview or at the very least ensure your resume is read.