Secret agent jobs


1. It's Not Your Fault

We can't help thinking there's something wrong with us if other people keep telling us that something shouldn't be a problem, but our own inner feelings tell us that we aren't comfortable doing it.

Posted by Someone on April

Jobs for farm bureau


  1. There's a sort of "old boys' club" sales-conditioning mentality prevalent in English-speaking countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, that says, "I had to suffer to succeed in sales success, so you need to, too!"

  2. This thinking comes from traditional sales programs that continue to be the accepted approach to selling.

    What you need to understand, though, is that you may fear cold calling because you have probably been exposed only to traditional selling approaches, which triggers rejection.

Posted by Someone on April

Ak job listings


These approaches teach us to make cold calls this way: introduce yourself, explain what you do, suggest a benefit to the potential client...and then close your eyes and pray that they won't reply with "Sorry, not interested" or "Sorry, I'm busy."

If you're still using this traditional approach, you probably hear responses like these the moment you stop talking.

They're rejections, and what they do us make you feel rejected -- and that's reason enough to make you dislike, fear, and avoid cold calling.

Posted by Someone on April

Keyword content jobs


How can cold calling be a positive experience if rejection is the most common response you get?

Posted by Someone on April