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While achieving the goal of the resume - the interview, work to make an organized resume. Organization applies to all levels of the resume: the aesthetic format, the ordered placement of the facts, and the previous employments you choose to include. The aesthetics should be friendly to the eye, and help to draw attention to the most important points. Those that are most important should always be located nearer to the top. In other words, activities and employments that are most relevant and current should be listed first. Bullet point formats are popular for their neatness and visual aid in drawing attention where it is due. Within each bullet point, include only the most applicable and important information that your future employer will want to know about your other jobs and activities. Keeping these points concise and to the point is helpful, as not much time is spent on reading a resume, so paragraphs describing a job will be skipped over. Concise points also help achieve the end of an aesthetically organized resume.
Every company wants well-organized employees, so showing off the bat that you are organized will be a benefit for you. No matter how gifted you are, if your resume looks like a crossword puzzle in its organization and format, it will be hard for the potential employer to see your talent. When your resume is well-written, clear, and organized, you are marketing to potential employers your writing skills along with good standards of neatness and organization. Having made this impression on paper will smooth your sailing for an easy interview, as the employer’s opinion of you will already be positive.