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The shares have a market value of around $100,000. By doing this, Fiorillo hopes to draw attention to the grassroots efforts of not only RX Processing Corp. but countless others who are devoted to the legalization of prescription drug importation to the United States.

RX Processing Corp. is a company that utilizes licensed American pharmacies and a licensed pharmacy group from Canada to help Americans obtain prescription drugs from safe and affordable suppliers outside the United States.

Many other countries, including Canada, offer the same medications for a much lower cost to consumers. As for safety, Canadian standards meet or exceed U.S. Food and Drug Administration drug safety requirements, Fiorillo says.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. The growing issue of rising U.S. prescription drug costs is causing concern across the country. One of the biggest sectors of the population dramatically affected by this problem is senior citizens. Many are bound by fixed incomes and do not have full prescription drug care coverage.
  2. Overall, there are upward of 43 million Americans that are uninsured, and millions more that have insurance yet do not have comprehensive prescription drug coverage. Due to this discrepancy, many people are faced with daily decisions that force them to choose between life saving medications and other needs.
  3. Due to current regulations, the FDA does not advise individuals to import prescription drugs, even though many Americans are requesting the U.S. government to allow them to do so. The goal of the Dorgan-Snowe bill is to change this situation.

Posted by Someone on April

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One of the biggest benefits of the bill is that it would not only allow the importation of prescription drugs from Canada - where prescription drugs are 30 percent to 80 percent cheaper - but it would also revolutionize the health care industry by opening up the doors to competition and choice. Growing public pressure is what prompted the drafting of the bill in the first place, and grassroots efforts within the senior community are helping to propel the cause even further. RX Processing Corp.'s CEO Peter Fiorillo is serious about supporting the passage of the Dorgan-Snowe bill that is currently trying to make its way through Congress. He is so serious that he has implemented a campaign that allows citizens to enter into a lottery to win his first year's salary: 500,000 shares of company stock.

The shares have a market value of around $100,000. By doing this, Fiorillo hopes to draw attention to the grassroots efforts of not only RX Processing Corp. but countless others who are devoted to the legalization of prescription drug importation to the United States.

Posted by Someone on April

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RX Processing Corp. is a company that utilizes licensed American pharmacies and a licensed pharmacy group from Canada to help Americans obtain prescription drugs from safe and affordable suppliers outside the United States.

Posted by Someone on April