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Depending on the size of your home town you may possibly have thousands of potential customers eager for a product that you could place in front of them - something guranteed to make them want to purchase it, and with no competition to be concerned about. I have discovered such a product, something that few people associated with my home town can resist. The best thing is that they are willing to come back month after month for the same product. In fact, when I think about it, those people, my potential customers, actually give me something that they are willing to purchase back from me!

So what's all this about? What is it that local people find so irresistable? A community magazine of course.

Now before you head off to the next offer, stop for a minute and give it a little thought. What exactly are we talking about? What exactly is a community magazine?

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Do not mistake what I am telling you with some of the other community magazine ideas available on the internet, which entail you publish a free booklet full of local business advertisements to be distributed freely around your local neighbourhood. The magazines I am talking about here, have served me well for over two and a half years and provide factual information and interest that are not available in such format anywhere else. This is not a plan that is going to cost you thousands of pounds simply to purchase the idea or franchise - in fact if you follow what I did to the letter, you could establish your own community magazine without any investment whatsoever. I did it without any capital or previous experience and I now distribute almost 3,000 commercially printed magazines around my home town every single month. I give people what they want. There is no hard selling involved because the magazines, by their very nature, sell themself.
  2. Take a look on the internet and search for something connected with publishing a community magazine and I believe you will discover that this opportunity is one of the few that is yet to be exploited. That will change no doubt, but by that time you will have already taken control of your own area - won't you? It is not surprising that for almost every subject or topic you can think of today, somewhere online you will be able to find a source of information to guide you.

Posted by Someone on April

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Think of a promising business opportunity and there is no doubt that someone will have already cornered the market somewhere. Coming up with an original idea, something a little different from the rest, is not easy, and if you do eventually make a start, the competition is guaranteed to be tough.

So why not take a look closer to home, at your home town itself.

Posted by Someone on April

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Depending on the size of your home town you may possibly have thousands of potential customers eager for a product that you could place in front of them - something guranteed to make them want to purchase it, and with no competition to be concerned about. I have discovered such a product, something that few people associated with my home town can resist. The best thing is that they are willing to come back month after month for the same product. In fact, when I think about it, those people, my potential customers, actually give me something that they are willing to purchase back from me!

Posted by Someone on April