Cardiff in job vacancy
This is the story of Joe, the office guy. Just a peaceful, ordinary fellow, who was plain and simply a messy pig in his office. He never thought it was any big deal to have things strewn from one corner to another in disarray so bad that people would cover their eyes when they walked by.
One day, as Joe arrived at his office, he decided he would take care of several "to do" items on his list. He did all his personal things from his office as well as business things. The first item on his agenda was paying for his homeowners insurance. He was certain he received that last notice that said cancellation, but was unsure just where he put all those nasty little bills and reminders. He thought and thought. He searched and searched. He was not successful, and finally gave up and decided he would look for those when he got home, knowing full well that they were indeed buried somewhere within his stacks of crap in his baskets at work.
He moved on to the next item on his agenda, paying his car payment. Again, I suppose you can guess what happens here... Now perhaps had he filed those bills and reminders neatly in a file folder, he would have known exactly where to go. He always paid his bill online, but he still had to have the bill so he could get his account number from it. Why he never wrote it down on a post-it note, I cannot imagine. Well, no luck with that task either, so he just put it aside for later.