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I was skeptical to make the leap to the internet too. One thing I read since I started my quest to live off the internet was, “If you continue to do what you have always done you will continue to get the results you have always gotten.” It just made so much sense to me and I live by that saying now. I went to college because I wanted to build a good life for myself. At 18 years old I saw my father get laid off from the company he was with for 25 years. I didn’t want that to happen to me and I thought a degree would prevent it. Well, I was let go from my company after 4 ½ years.
I am tired of getting up everyday hating my job. I am tired of being controlled by a company that could care less about me. So, I am doing something different than I have always done, hoping for different results than I have always gotten.
What is preventing you from doing the same thing? It is estimated that 500 million websites will be created between now and 2010. By getting your foot in the door now you are giving yourself the ability to become established before the levels of competition make it difficult to be successful.