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The mayor has implemented a number of recycling initiatives to reduce waste. This year alone the Congestion charge was extended to cover greater London . The aim is to increase the amount of waste being recycled from the 20 percent predicted in 2003 to over 60 percent.
Londoners produce 3.4 million tonnes of rubbish each year, a large proportion of which is electrical and electronic waste. The implementation of the WEEE directive in 2007 aimed to curb this problem by getting us to recycle our old Televisions, computers and general electrical waste. In Greater London, where businesses predominate, the issue of waste electronic equipment is more predominant and constitutes the majority of hardware disposed of each year.
London businesses are constantly uprgading computer systems, buying replacement shredders and replacing out-of-date photocopiers, faxes and printers. The waste by-product was previously discarded in the general waste stream, which ended up on a barge heading for an incinerator further down the Thames Estury.