As you can see this letter that you send after meeting with an employer for the second time is short, simple and conveys the thoughts that you wish to get across. Try this letter when the chance arises and you’ll have good results. The thank you letter for a second interview is a must for serious job seekers. If you’ve made it as far as a second interview, then you are right on the edge and are one of the serious candidates ready to be offered the position. When you’re in that position then it is worth your while to use all of the leverage you have, all of your knowledge of the company and all of your job search skills to close the deal and land yourself a job offer. This letter can be a deal closer.
When engaged in a job search, even if it is not your profession, you are really serving as a salesman. The product you are selling is yourself, your skills, and the concept that you can help the company you are applying to. A professional salesman always tries to know his or her product well, and always does better in selling the product when he or she has a genuine belief in the value of the product. As a salesman of YOU this genuine belief in your value to the customer, the potential employer is essential.