Remember when you are collecting all these names to take lots of notes. Get each persons contact information and as much other information as you can. One critical piece of info is the email address. When you have a property and you have 100 emails of potential buyers, all you have to do is send out one email and you have reached 100 potential buyers in literally seconds. Regardless of the strategy I am going over next, this is a very powerful way to flip your properties very quickly.
So now you have a buyers list, what next?
The next step that I recommend is to sort your buyers list. The reason you do this is to take away a lot of the hassles you might face. If you have your list separated into an A, B, C, and D list; you will find wholesaling a lot easier. You're A list may be those that can bring cash to the table within a week. Your B list may be those that have pre-qualified for a specific loan amount. Your C list may be those who have not pre-qualified but you believe could be able to get the financing in a month's time. Then your D list may be those who you have no reason to contact because you don't believe they will be able to get the money from anywhere.