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- The Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992): which imposes a requirement that, in as much as it is possible, employers should avoid employees needing to undertake manual handling operations at work that involve an element of risk;

- The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (1992): which requires employers to provide employees with adequate protective clothing if they are exposed to any risk (such as protective glasses); and.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. - The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (1998): under which employers are required to ensure that equipment used by their employees is fit for the purpose.
  2. Industrial Injury Solicitor.
  3. Having said that there are adequate provisions in place to protect employees in the case of any workplace injury. Unfortunately lots of employers in the UK are either unaware of their duty of care or simply refuse to comply with it.

Posted by Someone on April

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In such circumstances, while there will almost certainly be a case for industrial injury compensation, to ensure that your rights as an employee are adequately being protected and that you receive fair and impartial advice on what your rights are under the relevant laws. You should seek the advice of an industrial injury solicitor following an industrial accident.

Even in circumstances where you are on good terms with your employer, if you want to make sure that your industrial injury claim will compensate you to the maximum you are allowed under the law, you should ask an industrial injury lawyer for his advice and assistance in handling your case.

Posted by Someone on April

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Keep in mind that the solicitor will have your best interests at heart, whereas your employer will have the company's best interests at heart.

Posted by Someone on April