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Writing a resume is an art in itself. It is a means to create a communication between the candidate and the employer. The resume is a tool with one specific purpose, which is to win an interview. It should be able to convince the employer that the candidate is a worthy one.

The candidate should try and project the resume according to the specific job requirements. However, one shouldn’t just simply copy the job description jargon from the company's HR manual or the job advertisement. Personal information has nothing to do with the professional status. Hence, in most cases, there is little need to include information on marital status, age, race, family or hobbies.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. In today’s challenging job market, resume is the only weapon of a job seeker. This makes resume writing an indispensable resource. Whether writing a resume by oneself or employing external help, the candidate should make sure the document projects his image in the best possible manner. A resume is a path that sets people on the roads of success in their career. In today’s competitive world, only a few resumes get to the top table for a brief glance. A resume should be written in a manner such that the reader is enticed to peruse it. A well-written resume stimulates interest in meeting the candidate and learning more about him. It inspires the prospective employer to pick up the phone and ask the candidate to come for an interview.
  2. Every resume has its own way of communicating and creating an impression, but there are certain things that a candidate should be careful while writing a resume. There should be no constraint on its size. A resume can be of one or more pages depending on the experience of the person. However, the number of pages does not necessarily increase with experience, and an employer may feel reluctant in picking and reading long resumes. Thus a good resume should bring out a clear and concise piece of required information.
  3. Writing a resume is an art in itself. It is a means to create a communication between the candidate and the employer. The resume is a tool with one specific purpose, which is to win an interview. It should be able to convince the employer that the candidate is a worthy one.

Posted by Someone on April

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The candidate should try and project the resume according to the specific job requirements. However, one shouldn’t just simply copy the job description jargon from the company's HR manual or the job advertisement. Personal information has nothing to do with the professional status. Hence, in most cases, there is little need to include information on marital status, age, race, family or hobbies.

In today’s challenging job market, resume is the only weapon of a job seeker. This makes resume writing an indispensable resource. Whether writing a resume by oneself or employing external help, the candidate should make sure the document projects his image in the best possible manner.

A resume is a path that sets people on the roads of success in their career. In today’s competitive world, only a few resumes get to the top table for a brief glance. A resume should be written in a manner such that the reader is enticed to peruse it. A well-written resume stimulates interest in meeting the candidate and learning more about him. It inspires the prospective employer to pick up the phone and ask the candidate to come for an interview.

Posted by Someone on April

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Every resume has its own way of communicating and creating an impression, but there are certain things that a candidate should be careful while writing a resume. There should be no constraint on its size. A resume can be of one or more pages depending on the experience of the person. However, the number of pages does not necessarily increase with experience, and an employer may feel reluctant in picking and reading long resumes. Thus a good resume should bring out a clear and concise piece of required information.

Posted by Someone on April