Toastmasters job promotion
Quiz your goals - what are the goals of the team, who is playing which role, who is being given what importance and who will be given how much amount of credit, these questions must be clearly answered otherwise the result will be conflict at some point of time. Every team member has be clearly told about expectations from him/her and made to feel important. These are personality goals that have to be defined and achieved.
Quiz the ego levels - The team leader should talk to individual team members and find out the ego level of each member. Once the team member understands the sensitivities of all the members, he/she can treat the member accordingly. It does not mean that if a team member has high ego then that that has to be pampered. In that case the member has to be given that input and asked to keep his /her ego expectations low and matching with the team goals.
Ego can contribute to great success and also play havoc. Control the ego of the team members and you will get fabulous results. Quiz your team about all these aspects and you will win.