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One common mistake among daycare providers is that they don't look at the daycare as a business. It's easy to overlook this as you develop relationships with the children and their parents. In order to have what it takes you have to be prepared to possibly make some difficult business decisions, such as the termination of child care services due to non payment from a deadbeat parent. There are other considerations and roadblocks such as state licensing requirements, supply expenses, and taxes.
In the end, only you can decide whether starting a home day care is right for you or not. With a dedicated, loving person armed with the right information daycare can be a very profitable, fun, and rewarding business. Starting a home daycare business is a good way to make extra money, especially for stay at home moms. The start up costs are low, it's easy to promote a home daycare, and the money is good. Because of today's popularity with dual income families, childcare providers are in high demand in many areas.