Jobs east malvern melbourne
"Real generosity toward the future.
consists in giving all.
to what is presen". - Albert Camus.
"Real generosity toward the future.
consists in giving all.
to what is presen". - Albert Camus.
3) What, exactly, are your current areas of responsibility? Most consultants have ten or fifteen, like staff development, asset management, planning oversight, customer service, etc. But you're NOT running, nor are you responsible for the WHOLE company. Leave that to the owner or CEO.
4) How are your consulting responsibilities and your personal affairs going to be changing over the next year? I've found that the truly effective, high dollar consultants I've known and worked with, have taken the time to mesh their work with their lives. You are a one person conglomerate, but also, a living-breathing human being that has 'outside' considerations for a well-rounded life. If you don't consider consulting an extentsion of a real life, a flesh and blood existence, but rather, something altogether seperate, placed in a box called: 'consulting work', then you'll fail most of the time and be very unhappy nearly all of the time.
5) How is this life I lead going to change over the next five years. This is the big picture question, the vision of how things should be, not necessarily how they will be, into the near future. Why is this important? Because, in the quest for the answer to our question above, namely, what is your job right now, we can get a nearly crystal clear answer when we extend our vision into a larger field. By this I mean, you can see if your current job selection is aiding you in your long-term visionary goal.