Nrs job 2.0


You have to do it on your own.

I’ve just read some fascinating statistics about age and self-employment:

“According to recent studies 22 percent of men and 14 percent of women over 65 are self-employed. That’s compared to just 7 percent for other age groups. According to a Vanderbilt University study the number of entrepreneurs in the USA age 45 to 64 will grow by 15 million by 2006. That’s compared to a 4 million decline for entrepreneurs age 25 to 44.”

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. And: “Self-employment among American workers increases with age, with the most dramatic jump occurring at age 65.”
  2. Don’t worry help is at hand. With the advent of the Internet there’s a whole new world out there, and, most importantly, it’s a level playing field. (Finally I can say it…Size doesn’t count). There are more than 500 million consumers out there and with a good plan, you can learn to build your financial independence with your own online business.
  3. Before you say “I can’t do it” let’s chuck out some of the most common reasons people give for not wanting to start an online business:

Posted by Someone on April

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Objection #1: I'm not smart enough to have my own business.

This is unlikely to be true. Successful businesses are run by people with vastly different capabilities. Running your own business is about solving people’s problems and not about how smart you are.

Posted by Someone on April

Job lazar


Objection #2: I don't have the time it takes to start or grow an income source online.

Unless you’re already working 80 hours a week, you can probably find time to start building an online business. You’ll probably need to find 2 hours a day (14 hours a week) to successfully build your business. (Not too much is it?). It’s really all about organizing your time. How about using your commuting time to record ideas for a business?

Posted by Someone on April