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All other actions after that are beyond your control because you can't make them click on an ad, all you can do is try to entice them to make a decision.

Now, if this VRE Business Model interests you and you want to get started with building Niche Blogs then I recommend you go to Blogger.com - http://www.blogger.com - since they have an easy to use interface and are owned by the all mighty Google.

Just before I warp this up I always like to give examples so I'll leave you with this one that I've been working on.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Go check it out. It might give you some ideas as to how you might want to set up your own Niche Blogs.
  2. http://www.internetwondersezine.com/internet-joint-venture/
  3. Well, that's it for this installment of "6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense".

Posted by Someone on April

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Be sure to keep your eyes open for my next installment which will reveal yet another 'POWERFUL' VRE Business Model using Google Adsense and targeted affiliate programs. I hope your ready for this installment of "6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense" because what I'm going to reveal to you is in my opinion one of the BEST VRE Business Models you can start with absolutely ZERO cost to you.

The only thing your required to do is learn how to set them up with Google Adsense and targeted affiliate programs.

Posted by Someone on April

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They are FREE, there's no hosting costs(optional), search engines love them, they use a state of the art syndication technology and are one of the most talked about phenomenons to hit the web simply because they work.

Posted by Someone on April