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Small Business Investor Visa. (Inversionista de Pequeña Empresa)
Designed for those who wish to establish a small business in Panama (note that retail businesses and some professions are reserved to Panamanians). There must be a minimum investment of $40,000 and minimum of three permanent Panamanian employees hired. It is granted provisionally for one year, and needs to be renewed three more times before it is granted permanently with the right to a cedula. Five years after obtaining the permanent visa, holders will be eligible to obtain Panamanian nationality. This is a new concept but one that is gaining in popularity. This is for the nautically inclined only with boating skills that are developed. Basically you live your present country and become a citizen of the world traveling perpetually on your yacht. While all this sounds great you still need to have papers and documents of registration and passports to avoid constant hassles with authorities wherever you go. So what can be done is as follows: