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Besides deciding whether your event will be in-person or virtual, you'll also need to determine how long the event will last, what you'll cover, and how you'll cover it. Will you host guest speakers? Will you offer discussion panels? Or will the event be primarily lecture-based?

Go with your gut on these decisions. What makes the most sense for your audience? What format do you prefer? How can you best deliver your information?

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Decide whom to invite.
  2. Will you advertise the event? Open it only to your select clients? Offer it to a targeted list of prospects? It may seem strange to decide on your audience before narrowing down your topic, but by picking out your ideal audience first, you'll be able to zero in precisely on their interests.

Posted by Someone on April

Local job find


At this stage, also decide how many people you're comfortable hosting. Are you picturing a small, intimate group of 20 people? Or do you see yourself speaking before hundreds? Decide what topics to cover.

Next, you'll need to really get at the core of your topic. Sure, you're going to focus on your expertise. But what, precisely, about your expertise will you devote the time to?

Posted by Someone on April

Ghostwriting jobs


This decision has a lot to do with your goals. Do you want to convert prospects to clients? Dazzle your current clients? Build relationships with colleagues?

Posted by Someone on April