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Never buy IPO's on the first day.

The most touted IPO(meaning almost all large brokerage houses were praising this IPO to the sky) cost people the most in decreased value on the second day after the IPO came out.

Who were the winners? The brokerage houses.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. So, if you have money to burn, have a cast iron stomach and want to watch market news from 6 AM to 9.28 AM EST, DayTrading may be for you. So you'd like to earn your living DayTrading?
  2. You have all heard the stories of losing DayTraders running down the streets shooting people?
  3. During the heady .com days prior to 2001, (when Bush became president,) there were stocks, 3 or 4 times a week that went up from 30 to 200% a day.

Posted by Someone on April

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It was possible, if you knew what you were doing, to check before the market opened to see which stocks were running in real time and why.

And, if you then had a fast electronic brokerage system you could dive into the market, buy a bunch and sell them the same day.

Posted by Someone on April

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About 1% of people doing this consistently made money.

I saw one private individual make a million in one day shorting Corel. And then there was somebody who lost a bunch hanging on too long to the WWWF IPO.

Posted by Someone on April