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Spectacles - Primary protectors intended to shield the eyes from a variety of heat hazards.

Goggles - Primary protectors intended to shield the eyes against a variety of heat hazards.

Face Shields - Secondary protectors intended to shield the entire face against exposure to high temperatures, splash from molten metal, and hot sparks.

Posted by Someone on April

Us air jobs


  1. A large percentage of eye injuries are caused by direct contact with chemicals. These injuries often result from an inappropriate choice of personal protective equipment, that allows a chemical substance to enter from around or under protective eye equipment. Serious and irreversible damage can occur when chemical substances contact the eyes in the form of splash, mists, vapors, or fumes. When working with or around chemicals, it is important to know the location of emergency eyewash stations and how to access them with restricted vision.
  2. When fitted and worn correctly, goggles protect your eyes from hazardous substances. A face shield may be required in areas where workers are exposed to severe chemical hazards. Goggles - Primary protectors intended to shield the eyes against liquid or chemical splash, irritating mists, vapors, and fumes. Face Shields - Secondary protectors intended to protect the entire face against exposure to chemical hazards.

Posted by Someone on April

Doha qatar job


Dust is present in the workplace during operations such as woodworking and buffing. Working in a dusty environment can causes eye injuries and presents additional hazards to contact lens wearers. Either eyecup or cover-type safety goggles should be worn when dust is present. Safety goggles are the only effective type of eye protection from nuisance dust because they create a protective seal around the eyes.

Goggles - Primary protectors intended to protect the eyes against a variety of airborne particles and harmful dust.

Posted by Someone on April

Canada correction jobs


Laser work and similar operations create intense concentrations of heat, ultraviolet, infrared, and reflected light radiation. A laser beam, of sufficient power, can produce intensities greater than those experienced when looking directly at the sun. Unprotected laser exposure may result in eye injuries including retinal burns, cataracts, and permanent blindness. When lasers produce invisible ultraviolet, or other radiation, both employees and visitors should use appropriate eye protection at all times.

Determine the maximum power density, or intensity, lasers produce when workers are exposed to laser beams. Based on this knowledge, select lenses that protect against the maximum intensity. The selection of laser protection should depend upon the lasers in use and the operating conditions. Workers with exposure to laser beams must be furnished suitable laser protection.

Posted by Someone on April