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Radiology technician jobs are plentiful in today's medical world, and those with the proper training shouldn't have any trouble finding a job. Techs are required to have a high school diploma or its equivalent. They must then attend and graduate from a training program that specializes in radiology. Training programs generally last from two to four years, and can be found either through schools or through hospitals and clinics.

Types of Radiology Technician jobs.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Radiology technicians work under a wide range of conditions. Traveling radiology techs go around to various hospitals that do not have trained techs on staff, and stay for a few months in each location. Radiology techs may also work in clinics, laboratories, nursing homes, or in private homes. The type of job you choose to pursue is entirely up to you.
  2. The field of radiology technician jobs is advancing quickly, and there's never been a better time to get involved. With a shortage of radiology techs in the field, finding a job is easy, and many hospitals are eager to hire and help train newly certified techs. Learn valuable skills with true opportunity for advancement, and give yourself the chance to really make a difference with a radiology technician job.
  3. Are you interested in the field of radiology? Have you ever considered becoming a radiology technician? If you're looking for information on radiology technician jobs, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find all the information you need to know regarding this job, including what will be required of you and what types of jobs are available. Let us help you decide if it's the right career choice for you.

Posted by Someone on April

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Job description.

What, exactly, is a radiology technician? If you've ever gotten an X-ray or an ultrasound at the doctor's office, then you've dealt with a radiology technician. Radiology techs are trained to use X-ray machines, ultrasound machines, positron emission scanners, and various other types of machines to view the inside of the human body. The information gathered from these scans is put into image form, and the tech is in charge of developing the images. The physician then uses them to help diagnose any illnesses the patient may have.

Posted by Someone on April

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Some radiology technician jobs are highly specialized, dealing with certain types of equipment and scans. All radiology technicians are expected to deal directly with the patient; in fact, part of the job description is to prep the patient for the scan and make sure they are comfortable.

When X-rays and other potentially hazardous machines are involved, radiology technicians must set up the machines properly and ensure that the room is arranged safely. Lead screens and shields must be arranged at a certain distance from the X-ray, and the room must be properly sealed. Radiology technicians are well-trained in all of these aspects of handling X-rays and other machines.

Posted by Someone on April