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Alter Your Approach to the Interviewer.

You step into a situation of power when you identify the interviewer's style and adjust your approach accordingly. As you prepare for the interview, ask yourself, "How might my answers be different for different interview styles?"

With a Laser Beam, for example, you might offer him a choice when you begin answering a question ("Would you like to talk about this aspect of the job or that one?"). An achievement story for a Friendly Interviewer might focus more on your teamwork skills, and the same story for an Interrogator Interviewer might begin by stating the results of your individual work. The more you show your emotional knowledge by understanding the interviewer's objective for that interview, the more likely he'll be to listen to you. I’ve observed that people who interview job candidates tend to enhance a certain individual distinction. If you can sense an interviewer's style and build rapport, you’ll have confidence in specific information.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Here are the following characteristics:
  2. Inattentive.
  3. There is a time that the interviewer isn’t mentally present, maybe he/she is thinking of something more important or something happened before your interview that really bothered his/her mind. It’s impossible to impress this kind of interviewer that is distracted of something. So to keep a good impression, smile and don’t panic. Just give your best approach and offer him/her to reschedule. But be sure to address to him/her the important message and be prepared to the following interview.

Posted by Someone on April

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This is the type of interviewer that gives jokes, smiles and tells you to take an ease. But he/she aims for you to put in a relaxed stated where you unconsciously expose too much information (ones that can be detrimental to your career) about yourself. You should be kind and friendly but always remember that you shouldn’t also get carried away. Stick with your goal.

Posted by Someone on April

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Posted by Someone on April