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Among the Web site's features is a calendar of free live seminars on small-business technology topics, offered by specialists from the Microsoft Connections team. These events are held in numerous U.S. cities during the year. Small-business owners can also sign up for free Web casts and training on technology issues. Within its Small Business community, small-business owners can participate with their peers in discussion groups, where topics range from how to configure e-mail systems to why some printers use USB cables.
The Web site also provides product information, plus tips and strategies for using Microsoft products such as Office and Small Business Server, and for marketing, management and other issues in running a small business. A major section of the site is dedicated to helping small businesses with computer security; this section includes security checklists, quizzes and interactive videos.
Another feature that small business owners find particularly useful is HP's online chat function for small businesses. It provides a real-time resource, where detailing the types of tech questions small businesses have and the areas in which they are spending their time and resources.