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Start Up Carriers – The two newest air carriers, EOS Airlines and Maxjet Airways, have recently hired flight attendants and are expected to hire again.
So, if winging your way to Peoria or Paris is the kind of lifestyle you want to lead, then working as a flight attendant is certainly one of the ways to do just that. Air carriers are hiring and the pickings are good for the right candidates. Contact your desired airline directly for up to date hiring information and open houses.
The hiring outlook for flight attendants has brightened considerably over the past few months. Led by United Airlines’ recent announcement that they would immediately begin to hire up to 2000 new flight attendants, this news has sparked the most attention. If you are interested in becoming a flight attendant, the market is the best it has been in five years. Let’s take a look at who is hiring or who can be expected to hire over the next year.