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Business Ideas to Generate Your Own Buyer Sales Leads.
If you own a home business or want to try a business opportunity, buyer sales leads can be generated through your own efforts as well. There are many ways to do this. Start your own website and place a subscription form for a free newsletter and/or site updates on all of your pages. This will generate leads from your own visitors, though it will take some time to build a solid list. You can e-mail your list several times a month manually using your own bulk e-mail software or send automatic follow-ups through an e-mail list service. You can also offer a free mini-course at your site, which is sent to each visitor automatically when they sign-up.
Another way to generate sales leads is by writing articles and submitting them to article directories. Write about subjects that would interest your potential customers, and then place a link to your newsletter subscription page at the conclusion of the article. You can generate leads through pay-per-click search engines. Also, start a contest or drawing. Many people will sign up to win something!