Personal job history search


· Network with contacts.

· Search online job sites.

· Search newspaper ads.

Posted by Someone on April

Trademark jobs


  1. Some employment experts say that less than 20% of all jobs are found through the newspaper or online, with the other 80% found through networking. Knowing this, decide how much time you are going to devote to your job search, then allocate that time accordingly.
  2. Define the steps Next, for each tactic create a list of the steps involved. Here is what this might look like for the “Network with contacts” tactic:

Posted by Someone on April

Security job dubai


· Call the contact. · Ask to meet for 30 minutes to get their feedback and suggestions on your resume as well as your job search strategy. · Confirm the date, time and location of the appointment.

· Meet with contact, taking notes on the conversation and collecting one or two referrals to other contacts you might meet with.

· Follow up meeting with a thank you note.

Posted by Someone on April

Out of country jobs


· Check back with contact after one to two months if you are still searching for a job.

Once you have the steps listed, you will have created a checklist for yourself to help make sure you complete each step along the way.

Posted by Someone on April