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The first thing I did when I got my mp3 player was to start a file with about 20 hours of audios that I had saved up from a bunch of speakers who I admire. Talks on getting traffic, improving my copywriting, and writing e-books ... that fun kind of stuff that really gets us Internet Marketers fired up, and puts the rest of the world to sleep.

So, needless to say, I've got a lot of walking ahead of me. I'm feeling like Forrest Gump. I may start running... and never stop.

If you're dreading the holiday weight gain, but don't want to take time away from your business, an mp3 player might be a good investment for you, too. Definitely shop around, if.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. you're on a tight budget. There are a lot of options available and the prices on the lower end are very affordable. Ask Santa to help you multi-task to be a Sexy and Smart WAHM, too.
  2. Can you relate to this dilemma? I sit on my keister too many hours each day while I'm working. With the holidays coming, I'm a little worried about it... growing.

Posted by Someone on April

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Without getting into too many details about my keister, we'll just say that it's definitely not the best thing for any keister to be sitting too long each day and leave it at that. Do you spend too much time in your swivel chair, too?

That got me thinking. A lot of my time sitting is spent listening to recorded teleseminars to boost my business.

Posted by Someone on April

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So, I decided that I'd use the teleseminars as an excuse to get Skinny, Sexy and Smart all at the same time! How? By getting an mp3 player and listening and learning while I walk or run.

Posted by Someone on April