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Example: Dr. Smith has 1200 active charts. 20% of this is 240. 240 divided by 12 is 20. To maintain a healthy practice, Dr. Smith should be getting at least 20 new patients each month.

Keep in mind this formula assumes a couple of conditions exist:

a) The new patients are fee-for-service. b) The doctor has an acceptable skill level when it comes to treatment presentation and acceptance (which is reflected in production and collections).

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. If you want an associate, I would recommend that you far exceed this 20% factor. This is where the "MGE New Patient Workshop" ( comes in handy – whether you want an associate or not. If you want more fee-for-service new patients to keep your practice healthy, to expand or to make it possible to add an associate the "New Patient Workshop" is the solution.
  2. (A two-part series on "Dental Associates and Your Practice") After thirteen years in private practice and a trainer/consultant for about as long, I have learned one hardbound rule: there is definitely a right and wrong way to go about adding a dental associate to a practice. As a consultant, I frequently answer questions from Dentists believe they need a dental associate in their office immediately or are thinking about adding one in the future.

Posted by Someone on April

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Here are some of the key factors to consider when looking at adding a dental associate: 1. When should you get an associate?

2. How would you structure compensation?

3. What's the best way to find one?

Posted by Someone on April

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4. What are the important points to cover when interviewing?

5. How will you integrate them into your practice?

Posted by Someone on April