Progressive job postings
No excuse is acceptable when you are searching for a new job. You are a successful, special person, and you can succeed in anything you want! Those who say “I can’t” and those who say “I can” are both telling the truth. So, which one are you? Are you of the optimistic bunch who can take a challenge and turn it around? Or are you a member of the pessimistic group who give up easily at the slightest obstacle or barrier? The job market has changed dramatically in recent years, and now we’re in a survival-of-the-fittest mode.
Only the best shall be successful in achieving their job goals. But what do we mean by “best”? It is critical to note that reaching a job goal usually has nothing to do with skills, experiences or attributes (though these are essential)—in fact, the final deciding factors are personality and attitude.
Start off by sitting yourself down, staring intently into the mirror, and honestly answering this question: “Is my age really an issue?” Your answer will determine how well you approach and perform within today’s job market.