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If you can keep people from rummaging about, in, and underneath your carefully organized displays, you will save yourself a lot of reorganizing headaches later. Starting out with easy to access displays that are organized logically is a good thing. Here are a few other hints to keep in mind as you put out your garage sale items.

- No clothes should be thrown on the ground. - Small items should not be placed in boxes under the tables.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. - Everything for sale should be displayed when the sale opens. - Group items by price.
  2. - Divide the tables into areas for different price ranges and put a sign up letting people know what that range is. - The arrangement should make it easier for your customers to find what they need, what they want.
  3. These garage sale hints should help first-timers to have everything run smoothly. Just be sure to put like things together and give people enough space to move around.

Posted by Someone on April

Dive job


Garage Sale Hints for Displaying Your Merchandise. Garage sales are a common thing from early spring until just before the winter snows begin to fly. We’ve all been to dozens in our life and for the most part I’d say most people feel pretty comfortable that they could put on their own reasonable garage sale if they wanted too. Well we’d like to think that the following list of garage sale hints will help out those of you who are perhaps a little inexperienced in selling.

One of the most common mistakes that people make is in the way that they display the items that they are wanting to sell. If you spend just a few minutes thinking about what you are selling and how to best organize it, you will sell more stuff at a higher price. So…

Posted by Someone on April

Bookkeeping job description


Once your tables are set up either inside the garage a few days before the sale or outside on your driveway the day of the sale, it is time to put your merchandise out on display in a way that makes it easier for people to find and buy what they are looking for.

Posted by Someone on April