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This is another question used to weigh the professionalism as well as the ability of an applicant to stay on a job. As an applicant it is not nice to say anything negative about your current or previous employer since it may reflect a badly on you. This will also create a “big question” in the mind of the interviewer why you are making such discriminatory remarks regarding your previous job. To prevent falling into this trap just say that you are looking for additional opportunities to enhance further your professional knowledge.

When were you most satisfied in your job?

Again, be very careful in answering this type of question since this will reflect a lot about you as a potential employee. A not so convincing answer may cause you to lose the chance of getting that job you want. Try to answer this question without any prejudice to your previous job, and concentrate more on discussing things that motivate you professionally. This will create the impression that you are a good employee since you refrain from creating any bad remarks regarding you previous job plus this will provide your future employer with ideas on how to motivate their employees.

Posted by Someone on April

Uw job


  1. What can you do for us that other candidates cannot offer?
  2. Some applicants usually go blank when asked this question for fear that they may answer inadequately. Be confident and concentrate on discussing your positive traits and work qualifications that you deem as important and relevant to the job you are applying for.
  3. What three positive things would your last boss say about you?

Posted by Someone on April

Job hunting ethics federal


Simply tell them of your positive traits both as a person and as an employee which are noticed not only by your previous employer but likewise by your co-employees. Think of positive remarks that your previous boss may have told you and read through any performance related assessments you may have had for inspiration.

How much salary are you seeking? Or how much salary are you expecting?

Posted by Someone on April

Fly in camp job


When an interviewer asks you your salary requirements, it usually means they like you and considering hiring you to become a part of their company.

Some employers would even ask your salary history from your previous jobs. This will provide them with an idea of how much you would consider asking from them. A safe way of answering such a question is to ask for a salary that is similar or close to what you is previously receiving. Or simply tell them that you are willing to receive any amount that is rightfully commensurate to the position or the job you’re applying for.

Posted by Someone on April