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Once you're comfortable with your abilities and have developed some unique formats of your own, you might give some thought to marketing your skills. Lots of retirees sell their services on a spot basis just as some sell quilts or ornaments at Christmas fairs. Charge an hourly fee to develop the types of pages that you're comfortable with. That might mean family pages for your friends, or home pages for small businessmen that you know and who are intimidated by the professional online graphics houses. Consider the internet an opportunity, as have thousands of young people developing careers. It can be an avocation as well. Ten years ago, computer literacy was an issue with older Americans. My father was insistent that one of those machines would never be seen near his desk. So we bought him one for Christmas and let the instruction manual drag him in. Now he paints with it.
It seems that resistance to computers is largely a thing of the past among most of us these days. They are a part of everyone's life, and grandparents are no exception. The ease and simplicity of email has spread computer use through all generations. Instant communication with children and grandchildren who are far away have brought millions of older Americans online and having arrived there, they have learned about the remarkable resources on the Internet.