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Applying for a merchant account may take several days, so don’t be surprised if you are not instantly approved. A merchant account supplier will verify much of the information you submitted and will also approve or deny your application based on a number of risk assessments. Such assessments are determined on how long you have been in business, what type of credit you have and what type of business you are running.
Once you have been approved for a merchant account, you will be able to set up your merchant account processing software or appropriate links, depending on the merchant account supplier. Later, after you have successfully set up your merchant account access, your customers will be able to make purchases via your merchant account access and the merchant account supplier will handle all of your transactions.
You will be charged a transaction fee and a discount fee for each transaction, and a monthly statement fee from the merchant account supplier. Additionally, you may be required to set up a reserve based on the risk assessment initially conducted on your business. Although the reserve money belongs to you, the merchant account supplier holds on to such funds in the event that you encounter credit card fraud. Unfortunately, you will be responsible for such charges and your reserve will meet the sudden and unfortunate expense.