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3 - 5 = You could use some help. Try my book, Email Etiquette Made Easy (see link in resource box).

Less than 3 = Ugh! Call me now! We’ll schedule your intense therapy immediately.

How good is your grammar? When writing email messages, proper grammar is important. By being aware of common mistakes, you can avoid them.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. In other words, you don’t need to know all the rules. (What a relief!) But, . . . (You knew that was coming, didn’t you?) you need to know what you don’t know. If you are unsure if something is correct, look it up. Or, ask someone knowledgeable for assistance.
  2. If you don’t have the time to seek help, here’s a quick tip. Use different wording. To put it another way: If you can’t determine how to make the sentence correct, re-word the sentence so it doesn’t contain the item you’re having trouble with. Please don’t tell your high school English teacher that I made this suggestion!

Posted by Someone on April

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Yes, it would be great if the entire country knew proper English. However, the reality is many people don’t. The goal of this article is to convince you to select the grammar that you know is correct. Quiz.

Are your grammar skills good enough? Find out by taking the following quiz.

Posted by Someone on April

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Directions: Indicate whether the specified phrase is Correct (C) or Incorrect (I).

Posted by Someone on April