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Further information on SCORE can be found at SCORE.org. Their website contains more free information for businesses including a unique template gallery which gives businesses templates for business plans, cash flow projection reports, balance sheets, break even analysis reports, cash flow statements, competitive analysis reports, and more. You can also locate the nearest SCORE office via their website.
The SBDCs, SCORE, and the Women’s Business Center all fit into the SBA’s Office of Entrepreneurial Development.
Business counseling fees can be extremely expensive and not knowing where to turn for business advice can be a significant waste of valuable time. That is why there are 80 Business Information Centers (BICs) in the United States and over 1,100 Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs). Not only do they provide small business owners with free counseling, but they also have an extensive reference library of books, publications, and video tapes. Small Business Development centers and Business Information Centers help with start-up business planning or assist in expanding an existing business.