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** One Time Offers **

This is a great way to make some extra cash. Find as many products as you can that can be bundled together in a package. Offer them all for an incredible price to the people who just joined your mailing list. Make this a one time offer in that they’ll only see the offer once.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. You’ll be surprised how many people will take you up on these one time offers and it’s a great way to build some cash.
  2. ** eCourses ** eCourses are a great way to sell resell rights. The better products will come with an ecourse already. If you don’t have one, don’t worry. It’s as easy as slapping some related articles into an autoresponder.

Posted by Someone on April

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What you can do is promote the ecourse first and once the person subscribes forward them to the sales page for the resell right product. It takes the average person atleast 7xs to see an offer before they buy. Creating an ecourse is an excellent way to people to buy as you can keep reminding them about your product. ** A Word About Freebies **

I would stay away from products that say they can be sold or offered for free. You’re going to have an upset customer if someone pays money for a product and then finds out that others are giving it away for free. I use these as subscriber bait. They sound impressive because they can be sold. So use them to get people to subscribe to your ezine or your ecourse for the product.

Posted by Someone on April

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Today I’m going to talk to you about how to make some quick cash with resell right products. Resell Right products allow you to resell them and pocket 100% of the commissions. These are a big craze on the internet and you probably have some hiding somewhere on your hard drive.

The first thing to consider is what type of resell license you have. Usually this license will come with the product itself or in a “read me” file. I like to keep my products organized. I keep them organized in folders. I’ll keep a main folder just called resell rights. Then I’ll have in that folder another folder for “stand alone” products. I’ll create another one for products that can be “bundled” or “used as bonuses.” Then I’ll create one more folder for products that can be “given away free.”

Posted by Someone on April