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When we’re being real people treating others as real people, the difference is amazing. Both people are both more at ease. We anticipate talking with someone who may possibly have an interest in what we have to offer. If they don’t, we’ve enjoyed our time with him or her.
When others feel this relaxed mindset from you, they’re much more likely to welcome you into their day. However, if you rigidly follow a cold calling script, then your call is immediately pegged as something initiated primarily for your own gain. That will undoubtedly put you back to square one.
Linear step-by-step sales scripts have done a lot to give selling a bad name. Not because they don’t "work", actually some people who use cold calling scripts actually do make some sales. The problem is even if you’re a good-hearted businessperson, scripts make it almost impossible for you to avoid sounding like a "salesperson." This is a serious problem because most people respond to a sales agenda with something like, "Uh oh, I’m about to be sold something. How fast can I get this person off the phone?" If we turn away from the artificial beginning of a sales script, and approach cold calling in a different way, then we’re likely to get different responses.