Clinical research jobs canada
Nurses trained in forensic nursing are required to quickly and correctly collect evidence that can be used in a court of law. Not only do they gather forensic information, they also testify in trials of their jurisdictions. Forensic nurses may also serve as legal nurse consultants or attorneys. The employers of forensic nursing specialists include acute healthcare facilities, correctional institutions, county prosecutors, coroners offices, medical examiners offices, insurance companies, and psychiatric facilities.
Degree programs are available in forensic nursing. There are online nursing degree programs as well as campus based nursing schools. A nursing degree, however, is not required for entry into profession. Online nursing degree programs and nursing schools regularly offer various courses in forensic nursing. Certification courses are generally required for forensic pediatric/geriatric nurses, and to be a forensic psychiatric nurse, you are required to have a MS with counseling certification.
Not only is forensic nursing an exciting and rewarding career, there is also a growing demand for nurses with these specialized skills. The industry of forensic nursing is only getting more and more attractive to nurses that really want to make a difference in the community around them. Today we are finding out that the more expertise a nurse has in knowing exactly what should be collected, the better the evidence turned over to the detectives will be. And that can help lead to a better outcome in catching the perpetrator. It's an opportunity for them to help victims of violence and helping the perpetrators of violence to get help.