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Repeat this exercise first thing in the morning and last thing at night and you’ll soon find your self image and confidence levels increasing!

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Fear of Rejection.
  2. Closely linked with the fear of failure is the fear of rejection. Hearing the response “No” is not a great motivator! The main way to deal with rejection is just to accept that it happens. Try and re-frame any rejection you get by saying to yourself that it’s the customer who loses out, not you. Walk away with a smug smile on your face and remind yourself that you are one step closer to someone who will say “Yes”.

Posted by Someone on April

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Product Knowledge Fear. A lack of in depth knowledge about your product or service quickly finds its way to making for a poor presentation. There is only one solution … and that’s to get learning! Absorb yourself in the product. Understand all the features and benefits, so that you can confidently talk about all aspects of your offering. Banishing this fear is one of the easy ones to put right.

Posted by Someone on April

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Posted by Someone on April