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Your customers already know that you have great products and provide satisfactory service. They trust you to come through for them. Think about it... it's much easier to make sales to someone you already have a relationship with.

Use every opportunity to increase your sales volume within the customer audience you already have. Do you have a product that goes with the one they are purchasing? Offer it to them at the register. It's a proven and effective method for increasing sales. You may be shocked at the additional sales you can generate from those who are already buying from you.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. 4. Make Your Price Seem Smaller. Divide and conquer... The old war tactic works in marketing too! When the price seems too steep, break it down into "buyable" size bites. An $120 item is only 12 low monthly payments of $10. A $365 purchase would only cost $1 per day. Now that sounds affordable!
  2. 5. Paint The Benefits Pretty. Customers buy because they want to enjoy the benefits of the purchase. A lady might buy a dress because she wants to feel sexy, or a man will buy a book because he finds pleasure in reading. Emotions are the key element that drives purchases.

Posted by Someone on April

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Use word pictures to stir up the emotions that will instigate the sale. Let them "feel" the benefits, and they'll be more apt to head for the cash register. Put them where you want them. 6. Create Attention Getting Headlines.

Are you ready to capture your reader's attention with great copy? The headline is the place to start. How often do you scan the newspaper's headlines before you decide whether or not to read the article? Yeah, that's where we lose or gain the reader's interest, so it's a pretty important part of the advertisement.

Posted by Someone on April

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A good headline should telegraph its message in twelve words or less. Double check those headlines. Do they make a promise of a positive benefit, or ask a provocative question? Don't settle for less than attention grabbing statements.

7. Provide An Offer They Can't Resist.

Posted by Someone on April