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Here’s an example. You are a professional sports player, and all your life you have wanted to be the person holding the trophy at the end of the season, having worked with your team to beat the other players in the competition. The idea came to you when you were 9 years old. And since then, you have gone to bed each night imagining yourself holding that trophy and seeing yourself having completed the task that will make you a Success.

Well, at least one (and most likely thousands more) very famous athlete did just that. Michael Jordan thought constantly about winning the NBA championship, and this set him on a path that saw him become one of the most dominating players in the basketball game ever seen.

Turning on the power in your brain to see what the result is that you want to achieve is the fuel that will drive your actions.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Not only does visualizing your ultimate result in your mind give you the energy to chase after the goal, it prepares yourself for the eventual outcome of success. Because you have thought and worked and strived toward your ultimate goal for so long, when it eventually comes your way, you know in the very depth of your being that you deserve it. You have every right to enjoy the money, accolades, compliments, and praise that your successful result will bring.
  2. Instead of reacting to your success with shock – the “What Do I Do Now” Syndrome – you will accept your success as totally normal. After all, you have seen yourself achieving this result for years, so it is about time, right?
  3. So, how do you work on visualizing your success? The good news is you already do what is needed for this to work. You daydream. Sounds a bit weird, I know, but spend time imagining yourself doing the thing or having the thing that you have determined to equal success. If it is having a wonderful family, you imagine that - the peaceful home environment, the well-adjusted children, and the confident and assured parent that you are. If Success for you is running a large organization, see yourself in your office (or favorite beach), your staff members working hard and happily on their tasks, with happy customers and clients calling you about how they enjoy your service immensely.

Posted by Someone on April

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By spending time each week seeing in your mind yourself reaching the Success you want, you are mentally preparing yourself for that event. And in doing so, your body reacts to it in the only way it can – it starts to act out what the mind wants. It will start to find ways that it can achieve this vision in your mind, because the body and mind are two parts of the same coin. What one wants, the other has to as well.

So, even if you don’t believe in any of that mind-body stuff, it is fun seeing yourself doing what you so desperately want to do (or be, or have), and will help to motivate you to achieve your goals.

Success means different thing to different people. Some may think that to succeed you must be a good parent. Others will think that to succeed means that your bank balance is a million dollars or more. While others have a much more simpler approach – they think that if they wake up still breathing, then they’ve succeeded.

Posted by Someone on April

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Regardless of what your definition is for Success, they all have one thing in common – they first began as a thought.

Posted by Someone on April