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Once you have a working knowledge of web pages and how to assemble them, you can look elsewhere for the newer, flashier tools and tricks that have been developed in recent years. There are lots of software packages out there for creating web pages with a minimum of technical background. It's better to start with the basics and understand what you're doing as your skills grow. A good resource for additional tools and tutorials can be found at It's a collection of links to free information and software for web page builders.
For my father, the computer became a recreational resource when daily golf was no longer an option. For many of his friends, the ability to create web pages has become a source of entertainment and creative satisfaction. You will find an abundance of 'family' web pages on the internet that have been created as a way of passing family history along. The scrapbooks with captioned pictures have become electronic documents, which can be amended at will - every time a new grandchild or another family gathering occurs, up goes another photograph. You can scan pictures and arrange written copy in an attractive format that is really very different than traditional scrapbooks. The limits of page size do not exist in the HTML universe.
Good Enough to Turn Pro?