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But there is another problem with an answer to the affirmative considering the title question—is it possible to make money without working? The problem is that it is asking more than just about working but rather about it costing anything. Maybe more correctly asking “is making money for free possible?” The answer to this question is decidedly NO! Anyone knows that having lots of money has tremendous and often unforeseen costs.
This “cost” may be more apparent to the person who goes from the relative anonymity of normalcy, such as a school teacher who wins the lottery. This person formerly was able to go home at night and relax. They could go places and blend in and do what they needed to do without interruption. They were not constantly bombarded with solicitation. Now that they are rich beyond their dreams they never have a dull moment. Their lives are not peaceful or simple any longer, and they wonder if having all that money is worth the hassle. These people might say that “no, it is not possible to make money without working.” So before you spend your whole life trying to prove the question, consider that the “costs” just might come after the fact rather than before.
The quick answer is that sure it is possible to make money without working. But then we have to slow down because that sounds too good to be true. So what is wrong with an answer to this question in the affirmative? Well it is true that people make money all the time without working, but then you have to define work.