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The main advantage of an executive MBA program is that working adults can use prior business experience toward their degree. While online programs traditionally do not accept past experiences as credit toward completion, a few make exceptions. At one time, E-MBA programs were the only way working executives could obtain an MBA without full time enrollment. Online offerings have presented many more options for those in this particular situation over the last several years. While the end result of either choice will likely be a good education for the postgraduate student, online offerings are a better choice for businesses.
When businesses affiliate with a university in order to offer an E-MBA program, they are essentially guaranteeing themselves of executives with the exact same learning experiences, aside from chosen concentrations. Because businesses are better served by having a multitude of executives with independent experiences that can be brought to the table versus a collective conscience that details one institutions instruction methods, many companies are opting for allowing their employees to enroll in the online MBA program of their own choice.
The obvious immediate benefit is that businesses can utilize a variety of approaches when marketing, problem solving, or simply conducting company affairs. Since the different curriculum and instruction can vary widely between one online institution and the next, there is a better chance that interaction between executives will result in the best possible ideas, solutions and policies. Additionally, online MBA programs afford executives the ability to interact with other students who come from diverse backgrounds both socially and in the job market as well.