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The general provision in Vermont concerning paying overtime in a non-FLSA covered employer is one and one half times regular rate after 40-hour week.

Vermont State new hire reporting requirements are that every employer must report every new hire and rehire. The employer must report the federally required elements of:

Posted by Someone on April

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    • Employee's name
    • Employee's address
    • Employee's social security number
    • Employer's name
    • Employers address

Posted by Someone on April

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  • Employer's Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • This information must be reported within 20 days of the hiring or rehiring.

    The information can be sent as a W4 or equivalent by mail, fax or electronically.

    There is a $500 penalty for conspiracy in Vermont.

    Posted by Someone on April

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    The Vermont new hire-reporting agency can be reached at 800-786-3214 or 802-241-2194 or on the web at http://jobs.utah.gov/newhire/

    Posted by Someone on April