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… and I don’t really care either.

I’m not one of the more popular well-known Internet gurus who loves rubbing his name in your face over and over again! (I mean, who cares who they are, or who I am? -- We are all just people regardless of how well-known or rich we become, right?)

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. I have personally owned and operated 16 different Web-Businesses over the last 9 years (since the mid-1990’s) and have sold EVERYTHING you can imagine!
  2. Yes, I’ve even done the whole “eBay” thing! I’ve now built well over a dozen Internet-based firms that specialize in selling everything from women’s cosmetics, men & women’s clothing, electronic publishing (i.e., ebooks), hardcopy publishing (real “tangible” books), special industrial machinery, building supplies, pet food & pet supplies/toys, children & adult games, DVDs/CDs, Subscriptions, all the way to Memberships Sites (with recurring billing!)

Posted by Someone on April

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Plus a lot of other things too! And in selling all these things with all these Web-businesses I’ve owned, I’ve NEVER paid for any advertising whatsoever!

>> I learned an amazing secret very early on.

Posted by Someone on April

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that allows me to advertise on TOP Search.

Engines, but WITHOUT spending any money on.


Posted by Someone on April